The exhibition in the Museum of Folk Costumes in Ostrov is exceptional – it is the only exhibition presenting costumes from all the regions of the Czech Republic, encompassing Bohemian, Moravian, Silesian and even German-speaking areas, as well as Moravian Croatians and Silesian Poles.
The exhibition serves not only the public, schools and tourists, but is of course available also to ethnographers (social and cultural anthropologists) and folklorists. We are going to organize conferences, seminars and specialized ethnographical events for scholars, specialists and interested laics.
The Museum aims to be a place which preserves and maintains historical artefacts and the values they represent, aiming to attract tourists and raise awareness about the importance of not-so-distant but quickly disappearing history of our rural ancestors.
The exhibition will be open for public from 5. 9. 2021. Our staff will be offering not only extensive collections of folk costumes of the Czech Republic but also professional guided tours, cultural events, lectures and thematically oriented workshops.
The exposition is completed with historical artefacts that were used for textile processing, spinning, weaving, sewing and cloth - decorating.
Visitors can view and admire an accompanying collection of scarves and lace, including an example of their production, ribbons, bonnets, a collection of buttons, dolls in folk costumes and other related objects.
Our Museum is a member of the professional organization „Association of Museums and Galleries of the Czech Republic”, and its collection is listed in the Central Collection Registry managed by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic under registration number LČK 006-02-10/346006.