Would you like to help
For our collection, we look for folk costumes and their parts including shoes, stockings, bonnets and hats, scarves, jewellery, lace, decorations and accessories from Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia.
We accept costumes and costume parts as donations for our exhibition.
We also seek long-term loans of costume parts or related artefacts.
Least but not last, we purchase historical, authentic folk costumes from all costume regions of the Czech Republic.
Currently we are looking for:
- German woman costumes from the area of Stříbro, Chotěšov and Litice (especially original skirts).
- Woman costumes from Plasy, especially the white apron (fěrtoch) with carmine embroidery.
- German costumes from Northern Bohemia, Southern and Northern Moravia.
- Silesian costumes from the areas of Opava, Hlučín, Těšín and Jablůnkov.
- Costumes from the areas of Litomyšl and Polička.
- Costumes from Strážnicko.
We welcome professional contacts and consultations for individual ethnographic regions.
For amending our collection, we are looking for a handloom, various flax and wool processing tools, buttons, or raw folk costume material.
We also welcome lace, embroidery, ribbons and various handiwork tools, exigencies and materials.
Should you have something of interest for us, please do not hesitate to call or email us. Thank you.